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Make Your Car AC Cool Interiors Better With These Tips

· re-gas ac,Regas auto air con,Car Mechanic,Car Servicing,Car Repairs

The already defamed summer in Australia, plus the effects of global warming have made this season even worse in Australia. The agony can multiply several times when you have to drive to another city because on roads, the temperature is higher by several degrees. In such situations, the only saviour is the car’s AC that will become a nightmare, if it starts blowing hot air. In such circumstances air conditioning repairs is the step to go with, but there are other options too to enhance the cooling capabilities of the AC and this post focuses on some of them.

Don’t Turn On The AC While You Are Still Parked

  • According to the experts of re-gas A/C, it is not a good idea at all to start the AC while your vehicle is still parked.
  • The ideal step here is to drive at least 500 meters and then, start the AC.
  • The fact is that pre-cooling the car will influence the performance of the AC unit of your vehicle and not to mention, this will be a total waste of fuel and refrigerant.

Use the Coldest Setting

  • Often people think that running the AC on the highest cooling setting is the smart way, but experts who regas auto air con say that this will not be effective at all.
  • In this regards, they suggest that you should set your car A/C at the lowest temperature and then adjusting your fan as needed.
  • This will make your auto AC work more efficiently and the cooling you experience would be of really high quality.

Turn On the Fan First

  • For more robust cooling, experts give this suggestion of starting the fan first irrespective of how hot season it is.
  • When the fan is switched "on" first without the AC, the hot air inside the cabin will get replaced by rather fresh or cool air.
  • If you start the AC after 5 minutes, you’ll experience better and faster cooling.