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Tips To Find A Trusted Auto Mechanic

· Mechanic Castle Hill,Mechanic Sydney,Mechanic Kellyville

Choosing a mechanic can be a stressful process since you want to make sure that you choose only an expert who can deliver ace services at affordable prices. A trusted auto mechanic is an asset, but how can you tell if the mechanic is reliable or not. Here are some tips that will help you in choosing a suitable mechanic Kellyville.


A trusted auto mechanic should at least have some certifications like NRMA or they should be a member of somebody like Australian Automotive Service Dealers Network etc. Also, look for logos and accreditation certificates when visiting the mechanic.


One sign of an auto mechanic Sydney that you can trust is the recommendations of family and friends. Other sources you can check for recommendations are your local chambers and bureaus.

Written estimates

Good mechanics are usually willing to offer you an estimate in writing at no extra cost. If the mechanic you choose is not willing to do so or asking you for some charge for the estimate, then they are much likely to generate huge bills when actually working on your car.

Doing necessary work

A trusted auto mechanic should only do work to your car which is required or necessary, and even then they should consult with you before starting any kind of work. Beware of mechanics who do additional working without even consulting with you beforehand.


A good mechanic will explain what the problem is and they will try to make sure that you understand everything properly. Ask questions if you need to; your mechanic should be able to answer them to ensure your understanding before proceeding with the work.


You don’t want to pay too much for the work that is done to your car, but at the same time you would want to make sure that the work is done rightly. Trusted mechanic Castle Hill may not always have the lowest prices for their services, but they also should have the highest either.

With the above considerations, you will be able to find a reliable auto mechanic.